Targeted Marketing

Promote your business to the specific neighborhoods that offer you the most potential gain. We mail to 400,000 households, ten times a year. Our zoning targets neighborhoods that offer you the most potential business. Each mailing area ranges from 10,000 to 20,000 households.​


Every time someone looks through the Neighborhood Source, your ad can be seen over and over again. Each company receives a full-page ad, which means people focus on what you want them to see...which increases awareness of your business.


Most people thumb through loose coupons over the wastebasket, later wishing that they had saved a particular coupon. With the bound, booklet format, people tend to keep the entire book, increasing the shelf-life of the coupon and your ad. With the Neighborhood Source, your coupon and ad stands a better chance of being seen, retained, and used.

Guaranteed Results

If we don't generate a return on your advertising investment, we'll re-run your ad for free.

your source for targeted direct mail advertising in central indiana
Advertising can be confusing. We'll bring your message to the marketplace, driving in customers and creating awareness.

Contact us today! (317) 876-7300